ATAIRU: We are your guides and partners on the path to the new

We prepare leaders and organizations for the future. We create unique content in the area of strategic, authentic and adaptive leadership. We are an international company focused on training and developing leaders.

The most innovative Leadership company in the Czech Republic 2021

Among the 10 best companies focused on leadership in Europe

Join the companies we already help with leadership development

Our client experiences

„There are several things I appreciate about working with ATAIRU: all the key lecturers have a business background, and thanks to this unique combination of their own cutting-edge practice with theory, they are able to perfectly understand the specific context of our company, and prepare highly relevant training. At the same time, I appreciate the emphasis that ATAIRU puts on efficiency and practicality — it does not overwhelm the participants with an unnecessary amount of detail no one would remember after a while anyway, but focuses on a few key messages and how to translate the knowledge from workshops into practice. Last but not least, it is important for me that the people from ATAIRU have not remained stuck in the past, but have embraced the latest interactive methods and tools, thanks to which we achieve similar results in a virtual environment as during real-world collaboration."

Martin Vohánka

„The ATAIRU team has been helping us with a digital and cultural transformation which has been underway for a long time. Thanks to the expertise of Radka, Petr, Lucka and their colleagues, we have been able to strengthen our leadership so that we have the best ambassadors/leaders in CNC who can drive and anchor such a big change. At the same time, in collaboration with ATAIRU, we have been looking for ways to align the whole media house. Our collaboration has thus become an important stepping stone to the successful completion of the entire change."

Juraj Felix
co-CEO of Czech News Center media house, CEO Mall.TV

„In November, we launched the Vodafone Future Ready Leaders program with ATAIRU, which supports the training of managers in leading teams in virtual and hybrid environments. The programme for 300 managers looks at leading teams in times of uncertainty, working with talent, building personal and team resilience, maintaining communication in times of isolation, adaptability and the importance of experimentation and rapid learning. Managers have commented positively on the program's timely topics and interactive workshop format that actively engages them and allows them to come up with concrete solutions to problems."

Magdalena Wavle
Head of Talent & Capability, Vodafone

„What I like about sessions with ATAIRU is that there is a lot of evidence of thought leadership and knowledge what is currently going on in the world. The benefit of it is that you in ATAIRU can simplify that into the way everyone understands so there can be a dialogue which is crucial. And then taking simplification even further to how do we decide what to do and getting it into action in a simple way."

Grant Liversage
Managing Director Plzeňský Prazdroj

Leadership Development of companies and teams

We help companies, their leaders and people to succeed

Organizations ready for the future

Change management - Growth mindset - Creativity - Adaptability

Online teams and remote co-operation

Agreements and rules for teams - Online motivation - Online networking - Developing team spirit

Leadership & Teamwork

Working with talent - Motivation - Feedback - Negotiation - Conflict resolution

Psychological resilience & Wellbeing

Stress resistance - Energy management - Emotions and their expression - Mindfulness - Empathy

Team diversity

International teams - Working with talent - Individuality - Generation X, Y, Z - Female leadership

Company culture and values

Company values ​​- Culture management - Employee behavior – People motivation - Feedback

Communication and its development

(Self) presentation - Building a personal brand – Team coordination - Conflict resolution

Strategic priorities and team co-ordination

Focus and priority determination - Strategic communication - Strategic discussion facilitation

Leadership programs for individual development

Choose a program that fits your position and gain skills that will accelerate your career and increase personal satisfaction

April 3, 2025

Program start

  • Purpose
  • Innovation
  • Business

January, 2026

Next date

Authentic Leadership for top female managers

For women executives and business owners

  • Purpose
  • Resilience
  • Motivation

Autumn 2025

Program start

Authentic Leadership
for men

For middle management

  • Communication
  • Motivation
  • Cooperation

January 2026

Program start

Authentic Leadership
for women

For middle management

  • Talents
  • Cooperation
  • Confidence

ABOUT ATAIRU: We prepare leaders and organizations for the future

Leaders are those who influence organizations, businesses and thus society. At ATAIRU, we believe that by activating their authenticity and adaptability, we can prepare leaders and companies for the future and thus contribute to a sustainable society.

Let's get to know each other better

Are you interested in how ATAIRU can help you or your business? Let us know and start together.