We prepare leaders and organizations for the future

Leaders are those who influence organizations and businesses, and thus society. At ATAIRU, we believe that by activating their authenticity and adaptability, we can demonstrate to leaders and companies how to prepare for the future, and thus contribute to a sustainable society.

We are guides for individuals, teams and companies

We work with leaders and teams in global organizations and startups. We build on our talents and strengths. We guide teams to better collaboration and communication in a hybrid environment. We encourage companies to be more flexible, innovative and ready for current and future challenges.

The world is changing very quickly and so is business. Companies that want to survive and prosper in today's increasingly complex environment will need to adopt a new mindset and new skills. It's not just about today or tomorrow. It's about being able to adapt to any situation that is unimaginable at the moment and stay relevant.

Radka Dohnalová
Founder & CEO

ATAIRU means

partner and guide on the path to the new.

The word comes from the language of an indigenous Brazilian tribe.

Authentic leadership: Make the most of your talent

Get to know yourself, your strengths and be able to use them. Learn to communicate and work with different types of people and know how to motivate them. This is the essence of authentic leadership. It demonstrates and teaches how to maintain stable performance and contributes to overall satisfaction in professional and personal life. On the organizational level, authentic leadership helps educate mature and resilient leaders and build a healthy company culture.

"Returning to authenticity is like returning home. Knowing and understanding yourself and recognizing your own goals and direction becomes our inner compass for life.”

Lucie Winklerová

The concept of ATAIRU authentic leadership was created on the basis of Harvard research from 2011, in which the founder and CEO of ATAIRU, Radka Dohnalová, also participated. Authentic leadership works with people's inner motivation. It reflects not only our talents, needs and preferences, but also our goals, directions and our natural way of collaborating and communicating with others.

“I believe we can't achieve anything today without working with others. Real understanding of our inner motivations makes it easier for us to understand how diverse the motivations of others are. Authentic leadership helps leaders create a better place to work in both teams and companies.“

Katarína Kotíková

Do you want to build successful teams and organizations where people know their strengths and can communicate and respond as adults?

Adaptive leadership: Succeed in the future

Adaptivity is about balancing stable and dynamic elements in an organization. On the one hand, there is profit, structure and order, on the other hand, there is company mission, the autonomy of teams and the ability to innovate. If leaders and organizations want to be successful in the long run, they need to properly balance what we call adaptive tensions at ATAIRU.

We know from our experience that companies and leaders are usually strong in those stable elements and need to develop the dynamic ones. In a complex and unpredictable world, it is necessary to adapt to new conditions and learn to react quickly to change. This is the only way to build successful teams and entire organizations in the long term and sustainably.

ATAIRU tailor-made programs provide topics and inspiration on how to successfully implement changes in organizations.

ATAIRU: A unique concept, content and community

We set trends in leadership

The first in the Czech Republic to introduce authentic leadership and launch long-term programs based on working with people's inner motivation.

The only ones focused on the systematic development of female leadership and we still support it with our programs for women.

Among the first to focus on Authentic and Adaptive Leadership and define the new skills for leaders and organizations necessary for the future.

We prepare counterintuitive content

We always try to bring something new: Content that will change your thinking, your attitudes and make it easier for you to adapt to a new environment. We respond to current events and tailor each company program. The content is based on our own expertise, surveys and the experiences of thousands of leaders from around the world, with whom we have worked so far.

We are building a unique community of leaders

We stay in touch with everyone who has gone through our program. Whether you decide to participate in mastermind groups, meet other graduates, or drink a toast at the ATAIRU birthday party, we want to see you again and connect with you to accelerate your knowledge, new ideas and new business partnerships.


Talent Dynamics personality diagnostics primarily focuses on the innate talents and strengths of individuals. The test shows where your natural potential lies and what challenges you face in collaborating and communicating with others. In both teams and companies, this tool helps build trust and openness. Talent Dynamics is used by entrepreneurs, leaders and organizations around the world. 



Radka Dohnalová founded ATAIRU

The first intercompany program of Authentic Leadership for Women in cooperation with Odyssey and Muriel Anton (ex CEO of Vodafone)


We start leadership development programs for companies

We are expanding and launch Authentic Leadership programs in Slovakia in cooperation with Eva Štefánková


Launch of the leadership development program for men leaders - Authentic Leadership Program for Men

Launch of the leadership development program for top management program

The Leadership Games project is created and we begin cooperating with YEMI A.D.


We delivered first international leadership development programs - Tokyo, London, Moscow


Radka Dohnalova participates as a speaker in a conference with Peter Diamandis, where we bring an insight into the new skills of future leaders

ATAIRU entered into a partnership with 6D Academy


Launch of Disruptive Leadership Inside Out - Exponential Program for senior leaders in cooperation with 6D

We are growing and expanding into Lithuania and Norway

ATAIRU entering partnership with Roger Hamilton, author of Talent Dynamics and world-renowned mentor


We start creating programs focused on Adaptive Leadership

We are in FORBES: cover article about the founder of ATAIRU Radka Dohnalová


Launch of the Adaptive Leadership programs

We start broadcasting ATAIRU TV

We are among the 10 best companies focused on leadership in Europe


We are recognized as the Most innovative  Leadership Company in the Czech Republic.

ATAIRU entering a partnership with PwC launching a joint project Digital Adaptive Organization


In cooperation with Fameplay we launched ATAIRU LEADERSHIP TV, the first live broadcast series about leadership for companies

Our know-how are using
companies from all around the world

Programs and topics for companies

Leadership & Teamwork

Working with talent - Motivation - Feedback - Negotiation - Conflict resolution

Organizations ready for the future

Change management - Growth mindset - Creativity - Adaptability

Company culture and values

Company values ​​- Culture management - Employee behavior – People motivation - Feedback

The most innovative Leadership company in the Czech Republic 2021

Among the 10 best companies focused on leadership in Europe 2020


Leaders joined our programs


Organizations used our services


Countries where we deliver our programs